√70以上 soto st310 154760-Soto st3103
Crafted with cutting edge technology to overcome the challenges of climate and weather conditions Soto ensures their every product undergoes a manual inspection piecebypiece before it leaves their factory inSotoのst310とは sotoは、新富士バーナー株式会社のアウトドアブランドの名称です。 st310は、sotoブランドのシングルガスバーナーのひとつで、アマゾンの評価や口コミをみれば、その人気ぶりが伺えます。 基本スペックはこんな感じ。SOTO Stoves are a Japanese manufacturing company that develop flaming devices Originally called Shinfuji, they developed burners and torch lamps that could work efficiently under extreme cold temperatures SOTO means 'outdoors' in Japanese, and with this name they launched into the world market in 10 We stock a selection of their stoves, take a look at our collection below St310の特徴3つと便利な改造 自作術のまとめ Yama Hack Soto st3103